Engineering, design, and construction services range from custom equipment designers and builders, system integrators (SIs), architectural, engineering and construction firms (AECs) that can handle the entire scope of designing and building a food or beverage facility, engineering/refrigeration contractors, facilities management and services to turnkey construction firms and warehouse facility planners.
Today, the definitions have blurred among the different categories. For example, AEC firms used to design and build a facility and “sub out” for specific machine builders, pipefitters, electricians, system integrators, and the like. Today’s AEC firms often have developed their own in-house automation/engineering staffs, acquired SI firms, or have ongoing, working relationships with selected SIs that can build and test machines offsite, install them and factory test an entire line onsite—all under the supervision of an AEC firm.
Today’s SIs typically can build machines or special equipment, such as conveyors, design and build any subsystems, and write any software necessary to connect machines, equipment, and lines together. They can help with analyzing legacy equipment and advise what is necessary to upgrade a plant. When it’s time to get rid of the “head knockers” and poorly designed passageways that no longer meet modern OSHA and food safety regulations, they can connect you with an AEC firm that can help with facilities upgrades.
When specialists are needed, call on facilities management or facilities services firms for help with handling these challenges. Engineers/refrigeration contractors and warehouse facility planners can help with new designs and upgrades of cooler/freezer facilities. Some of these specialists also now can design and build a complete dry goods warehouse or a refrigerated/frozen foods facility.
So check them out. Start with engineers and SIs for a small project and hire a full-service AEC firm for that renovation, new line, or a brand new plant.
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